Issa 一茶 1819
giri no aru ko wo yobaru ka yo yu^ suzume
David’s English
are you calling
for your devoted child?
evening sparrow
. by Issa, 1819
sakuo haiga
[ぎりのある子 giri no aru ko] means step child.
Issa’s mother who was a step mother. She was calling him.
How did it sound? It depends on your sensibility.

I'm not so sure-would he have been 57 years old then?
I tend to remember family ( and two step mothers!)in autumn and winter-many family gatherings and holidays here at those times.
Would the evening sparrow be a sign of spring? Well, yes...a sparrow child!
winter dawn
and then...
a hundred sparrows!
Thank you bandit san for your visiting here.
I went to your blog that is very sharp image with red back.
And there I find my haiku friends.
nice juxtaposition; i'm interpreting his mother had a lovely voice
much love
Thank you sakuo san; somehow I knew you would visit.
I like to visit here everyday.
I notice different things each time!
nice sakuo san
Gillena san,
thank you for your comment.
Issa's step mother has been brutal to Issa. So her voice maybe was shiver.
John san
Thank you so much.
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