
Monday, July 25, 2005

I will go ,wait for a while !

cormrant boat

David English
cormorant boat--
her children cry
in the windowleft behind

Issa original
fune no u ya ko no naku mado wo ato ni shite

David comment
he cormorant's children, left behind, cry for their mother as the boat leaves. Japanese fishermen use cormorants. Tied to a tether, these sea birds dive for fish that they are forced to disgorge.

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch.

sakuo remark
The farther must go even if his son cried, when it is needed.

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