nabe-zumi wo meguchi ni irete naku kawazu
David’s English
the kettle's soot
in his mouth and eyes...
croaking frog
David’s image
Someone (Issa?) is cleaning soot from a kettle, some of which is getting into the frog's mouth and eyes.
age 42 years, leaving from Katsusika sect, study at Natsume who was his teacher as well as rich sponsor helping Issa’s life.
sakuo’s image
The frog is Issa who was poor and need help of Natsume, at whose house Issa visited everyday for getting meal and money. He did housekeeping works, for example, sweeping soot, repairing screen and everything. He was called as poor general or poor god.
sakuo’s Renku
minna ga warau binbou-taisyou
All laugh at me
Poor General
Wonderful! There are frogs in my back yard and I'll now imagin this when I see them. :)
andrew san, I have visited your site that is very impressive and interest.
Your sentence is verey undrestanable for me,for Japanese, non-native speaker of English.
thank you for sharing.
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