David translate
sakuo Renku

Haiku Sequence [haiku renga]
[ Issa]
[ Issa (trans.byDavid) ]
mountain village--
wiping greasy hands
on plum blossoms
let’s open
the lunch box
mountain picnic- -
who needs
paper napkins
[Gabi,a German living in Japan]
haiku lunch
so many nations
under the plum tree
mountain village--
under the flowering plum
different birds sing
My dream comes true that sequential poem has been settled over time and space.
Isn't it real World Haiku Club?
enjoyed your haiga; in the freedom of this mountain picnic site, who needs paper napkins
much love
thank you gillena san, for your sharing.
Your haiku has given us good combination.
haiku lunch -
so many nations
under the plum tree
Thanks to Sakuo and Gillena and David and ISSA !!!
GABI, a German living in Japan
mountain village--
under the flowering plum
different birds sing
Thank you Origa san for your linking Haiku.
It is so romantic that I will add it to sequencial haiku lines.
This is very nice, Sakuo san.
Thanks for inviting us all to your / issa,s plum lunch !
. Happy Haiku Gallery .
Thank you, Gabi san for your visiting here.
You have placed a nice word " plum lunch" that remind me " umebosi bentou" in my boyhood.
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