
Saturday, May 24, 2008

plum blossoms

plum blossoms
of the field dropped...
naughty dog

hata no ume shitata[ka] inu ni otosaruru

by Issa, 1813
Originally, I misread the passive voice and imagined that the blossoms had dropped onto the dog: garden plum blossoms coat the dog Shinji Ogawa corrected my syntax and informed me that shitataka inu means "naughty dog." Despite all this, my first translation is a nice haiku in English, I think--though Issa didn't write it!
trans and comment by David Lanoue

Issa has used plum as female or lover.
Auther Akira, Itou sharply pointed out this in his book “ Issa
get into Nagare-yama published by Saniti syobou”
There was Issa’s patron Mr. Akimoto in Nagareyama.
He made Issa stay in his mansion as a guest many times.
At the time a young maid took care Issa. The drama of the haiku had
Of course the dog is Issa himself.

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