David’s English
watching first snowfall
in a rotten mood...
Shinano Mountain
一茶 1810年
mutsukashi ya hatsu yuki miyuru shinano yama
by Issa, 1810
Issa's mountainous home province of Shinano, present-day Nagano Prefecture, is known for its hard, bitter winters. The haiku is ironic: poets in other locations look forward to the first snow as a joyous occasion; for Issa it's just plain hard. Mutsukashiki is an old word that can signify having a bad or unpleasant feeling; Kogo dai jiten (Shogakukan 1983) 1597.
visit http://cat.xula.edu/issa/
sakuo Renku & haiga
At his age 48, Issa began to dispute inheritance of his father’s asset.
His half brother’s family has strongly resisted.
山の向こうに 怖い顔待つ
yama no mukou ni kowai kaomatu
beyond the mountain

interesting renga; reciprocity of bad mood
much love
Hi Sakuo. I really enjoyed how you got 'behind' Issa's haiku with your verse response. I love the illustrations too!
Gillena san,thank you for your understanding Issa's position.
I am very pleased to have your sharp comment.
Norman san,
Thank you for your kind compliment.
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