neko naku ya naka nagaruru sumida-gawa
David’s English
cats' love calls--
between them flows
Sumida River
by Issa, 1812
Shinji Ogawa helped me to visualize what is happening in this haiku: two cats ready for lovemaking separated by the wide river. Following almost immediately in Issa's journal is this verse: edo neko no awatadashisa yo sumida-gawa the Edo cat in a frenzy... Sumida River
sakuo haiga
Sumida River is wide, like as Thames, Moscow and Hudson,
Love call can’t reach at other bank.

Ohh, I love this, too. The poor cat looks so sad sitting alone on this side. Your art picked the haiku up perfectly.
... Love this; yearning that cannot be satisfied.
_In humor, perhaps this is from where the term "Catboat," originated. _m
cattails one of my favorite..this is excellent sakuo san
make my day
Pris san thank you for your kind compliment.
Issa would be a sad cat himself.
Magyar san thank you for coming and kind comment in which you said "Catboat",please let me have more detail if you would like.
Shanna san, I am very glad to have your comment, as the cat lover.
The cat sad but humor!!
The Catboat... a small sail boat with a single large sail, its mast positioned... very far forward at the bow of the boat. _m
Thank you Magyar san for your kind information.
I will paint it in my haiga.
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