takasago ya oni oi-dasu mo hanuke-goe
David’s English
shouting away demons
a toothless one too
by Issa, 1813
Takasago is famous for pine tree-covered islands. During the end-of-year bean-scattering ritual, it is a custom to shout, "Luck indoors, demons begone!" In this haiku, someone without teeth joins in the shouting. This could be a self-portrait, since Issa lost his last tooth two years earlier, in 1811.
#visit http://cat.xula.edu/issa/
sakuo haiga
1813, Age 51
Second Month, Issa is living in Kashiwabara in a rented house for father’s asset.
Bean-scattering ritual was held at this time.

In Trinidad and Tobago cooking and eating blackeyed beans with rice together is a year end dish which is supposed to according to our folk culture to bring good luck
much love
Yes,Gillena san, it is quit same.
We cook rice with red beans.
It is always served at happy time.
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