
Friday, September 30, 2005

Gods suffer too

Issa original
Ku no saba ya kami no o-tati mo ame arashi

David’s English
World suffering---
When the gods travel, too
A storm

Sakuo Renku
Nen ni itido no kami no taikai

Once in a year
All god’s Grand Party

Sakuo comment
It is held on the first of October at Izumo shrine
that is the Origin of all gods in Japan.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

scramble for food

Issa Original
Hakidame ni tsuru no ori keri waka no ura

David’s English
cranes land
on the rubbish heap…

Sakuo Renku
tikaduki mire ba esa no toriai

look them up close
scrambling for food

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Issa Original
shibui tokoro ha haha ga kuikeri yama no kaki

David’s English
the sour parts
Mother eats…
mountain persimmon

Sakuo Renku
haha no nai ko ha hara ita okosu

child with no Mother
surely suffer from

Monday, September 26, 2005

warm up

Issa Original
kogarashi ya ni juu shi mon no yuujyo koya

David’s English
cold wind---
a twenty four cent
Prostitute shack

Sakuo Renku
yottsute ikina yo attsutameru kara

come on baby
let's warm up

Sunday, September 25, 2005

unconsciously picking up

Issa Original
tabi-bito ya no ni sashite iku nagare nae

David’s English
the traveler fixes
the farmer’s floating
rice stalks

Sakuo Renku
百姓忘れぬ旅の鳥かな hyakushyou wasure nu tabi no tori kana

never forget being a farmer
traveling bird

Saturday, September 24, 2005

going with Buddha

Issa Original
生残り生残りたる寒さ哉 ikinokori ikonokoritaru samusa kana

David’s English
and surviving…
how cold it is!

Sakuo Renku
凍る道行く仏と共に kooru miti yuku hotoke to tomo ni
on the frozen way
going with Buddha

Friday, September 23, 2005

Every thing should be in two

Issa Original
春立や二軒つなぎの片住居 haru tatu ya niken tunagi no kata sumai

David’s English
spring begins---
two households
one house

Sakuo comment
After long term struggle on his father’s asset, Issa has got his half share
from his half brother’s family. Every assets has been divided two.
He lived next his brother.
New years has come, Issa murmured “ rice cake should be in two?”

Sakuo Renku
餅も二つに割って供える moti mo futatu ni watsute sonaeru
rice cake should be
split in two

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My beloved woman

Issa Original
亡母や海見る度に見る度に naki haha ya umi miru tabi ni miru tabi ni

David’s English
my dead mother---
every time I see the ocean,
every time…

Sakuo comment
Issa’s mother has died at his 3 years old. His family lived in mountain.
There is no strong relation between his mother and sea.
At this time he had a female student in Futtsu, seaside town. He loved her so much.
Bud she died after pleasant ku meeting with Issa. Her name is Kakyou.
I think Issa had double image, mother and Kakyou, in this haiku.

Sakuo Renku
思い出している海辺の人も omoi dasi teru umibe no hito mo
remembering a lady too
lived on the seashore

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

keep it up Orphan !

Issa Original
痩蛙まけるな一茶是に有り yasegaeru makeru na issa kore ni ari

David’s English
scrawny frog, fight on !
to the rescue

Sakuo Renku
孤児なれど吾も頑張る minasigo nare do ware mo ganba ru
I am an orphan
but keep it up

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Too sleep !

Issa Original
のら猫が仏のひざを枕哉 nora neko ga hotoke no hiza wo makura kana

David’s English
the stray cat
makes Buddha’s lap
its pillow

Sakuo Renku
我また眠らん春の日永を ware mata nemuran haru no hinaga wo
me too sleeping
long day of spring

Monday, September 19, 2005

without a word

Issa Original
nobotoke no ohana no saki no tsurara

kanaDavid’s English
from the tip
of the field Buddha’s nose…
an icicle

Sakuo Renku
damattsu te tattsu te osie tamau

standing without a word
enlightening us

Sunday, September 18, 2005

rednecks !

Issa Original
kashimashi ya edo mita kari no kaeri-sama

David’s English
wild geese who saw Edo
returning home

Sakuo Renku
inaka-mono niwa make rare nu

rednecks like you
I can’t lose

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Don't get in !

Issa original
furusato ya yoru mo sawaru mo ibara no hana

David’s English
the closer I get
to my village , the more pain…
wild roses

Sakuo Renku
ohairi mesuna mura no kurasi ni

stop entering
into village life

Friday, September 16, 2005

Thanks for blood-sucking


Issa Original
ariake ya fuji he fuji he to nomi no tobu

David's English
to Fuji to Fuji!
fleas jumping off

Sakuo Renku
kyuketsu no buji oreimairi ni

safty blood-sucking
pilgrimage of thanks

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Don't get a cold


Issa Original
hito nami ni tatami no ue no tukimi kana

David’s English
like the others
on tatami mats…
moon gazing

Sakuo Renku
kaze wo hikuna to negao wo terasu

don't get a cold
moon shines his face

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

eyes tired

Issa Original
aki no yo ya tabi no otoko no harishigoto

David's English
autumn evening
a traveling man busy

sakuo Renku
without glass
without stitching

Monday, September 12, 2005

Too cold

Issa Original
iti nin to kaki tomerareru yosamu kana

David’s English
"A man “registers at the inn
cold night

sakuo Renku
Let's get a drink
and go to bed

Sunday, September 11, 2005

reliance on Buddha

Issa original
tuki hana ya shi jyu ku nen no muda aruki

David's English
moon! blossom!
forty-nine years walking

sakuo Renku
wish to make haiku
reliance on Buddha

Saturday, September 10, 2005

All is the uncertainty

一茶 Original
matu kage ni
nete kuurokujyu
yosyuu kana

David's English
in pine-tree shade
sixty provinces!

sakuo Renku

All is the uncertainty
devoting to Buddha

Friday, September 09, 2005

I am a hated man

一茶 Original
mukudori nonakama ni iru ya yuusigure

David's English
jointing the "starlings"
a night of winter

sakuo Renku
in Edo city too
hated man

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Shout the name, Yatarou ~

一茶 Original
牛の子が  ushi no ko ga
旅に立つ也 tabi ni tatu nari
秋の雨 aki no ame

David's English
the calf
being his journey...
autumn rain

sakuo Renku
親父は言葉も oyaji ha kotoba mo
無かりけり nakari keri

Daddy couldn't say anything.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why do you cry ?

Issa Original
夕暮とや  yuugure to ya
雀のまま子 suzume no mamako
松に鳴 matsu ni naku

David's English
evening falls---
a stepchild sparrow
cries in the pine

sakuo Renku 7/7
訳も分からず wake mo wakarasu
涙止まらず namida tomarazu

why do I cry
does'nt stop tear falling

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Come here !

Issa Original
我と来て    ware to ki te
あそぶや asobu ya
親のない雀 oya no nai suzume

David's English
come and play
with me...
orphan sparrow

sakuo Renku
ここは安心    koko ha anshin
だあれも来ない da-remo konai

here is saftey
no body comes

Monday, September 05, 2005

4 common points of Issa visited towns

Issa Original
tiru otiba tosei nenbutu touri yuku

sakuo’s English
falling leaves
gamblers and pilgrims
passing by

The haiku has been made at Shimofusa-cho near Tone-river.

Discovery of Common points of Issa visited Town.
1 big river side
2 once ferry boat station
3 connecting to main road
4 town office and temple exist

Today we have visited three Towns provided upper 4 elements
They are Shimofusa-chou
Sakura- chou.

If you wish to find Issa’s visiting town, you should search above 4points in common.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

on the lotus slider

Issa Original
とにかくも  tonikaku mo
あなた任せの anata makase no
としの暮 toshi no kure

David's English
come what may
trusting in the Buddha...
the year ends

sakuo Renku 7 / 7
蓮の台で    hasu no utena de
時空越え行く jikuu koeyuku

on the lotus slider
going over time and space

at the front of Buddha

Issa Original
花桶に  hana oke ni
蝶も聞くかよ tyou mo kiku ka yo
一大事 itidai ji

David’s English
on the flower pot
does the butterfly also hear
Buddha’s promise ?

sakuo Renku
生きてる事は ikiteru koto ha
皆同じ mina onaji

All are living
all are equal

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Staring Contest

Issa original
おれとして ore to site 
白眼くらする niramekura suru
蛙かな     kaeru kana

David's English
locked in a staring contest
and a frog

sakuo comment
me and the frog
which one win
in praying Buddha