
Thursday, March 31, 2005

how nice feeling, on Buddha's lap !

the stray cat

David English
the stray catmakes Buddha's lapits pillow

-Issa, 1812
50 years old, lived in Edo, leaving out on November tohis home village for dwelling eternally there.It needs more two year to getting his share of father's asset.

sakuo Japanese
迷い猫 仏の膝を 枕かな
mayoi neko hotoke no hiza wo makura kana

Issa Original
nora neko ga hotoke no hiza wo makura kana

Issa site

sakuo image
Stray cat is Issa, who has been straying in Edo for long time. At this time he could have hope to return home village. So he has got peace in his mind.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

mushy persimmon, old man group !


David English
regretfully I've joined them--the mushy persimmon eaters

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.
He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book as retirement.

sakuo Japanese
無念なり 我加わりし 熟柿食い
munen nari ware kuwawari si jyukusi kui

Issa Original
kuyashiku mo jukushi nakama no za ni tsukinu

David Comment
This haiku has the prescript, "Feeling old."
Makoto Ueda explains Issa's meaning. In earlier years, the poet had enough teeth to bite into a ripe persimmon. Now, sadly, he must wait until it turns soft to eat it, Issa has "taken a seat" (za ni tsukinu) among the eaters of mushy persimmons.

sakuo said
Mr Issa , look your face , painted with mushy persimmon !
Oh sakuo, losing my teeth I must get into old man group!

Issa site

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

coming out, it's great honour

coming out

David English
coming out to a hot world, earthworm's prosperity

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
atui sekai he deru ga mimizu no eiyo kana

Issa Original
atsui yo e deru ga mimizu [no] eyô kana

sakuo Image
I presume that [ eyou] means [栄誉= great honour]. Issa is getting famous as haikuist, it is bother him to some extend, he want to hide in the earth where is calmly and easy, but world didn't allow him to stay under the ground, he gave up and he said to himself that earthworm- yo, issa-yo get out to the world ,it is your great honour.

Issa site

Monday, March 28, 2005

Large morning mirrored in a little tea cup

filled with floating

David English
filled with floating morning-glories...the tea cup

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
朝顔の浮きて満ちたる 茶碗かな
asagao no ukite mititaru tyawan kana

Issa Original
asagao wo ippai ukasu chawan kana

sakuo Image
A tea cup is put on the table of morning breakfast. On the surface of the tea morning glories are mirrored Issa succeeded to catch large morning atmosphere in a little tea cup.

Issa site

Sunday, March 27, 2005

sickle moon clouded , I vanish my severity too

sickle moon

David English
the sickle moonall clouded over...when I go out

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch .

sakuo Japanese
三日月 曇りきったり (われ)出でし時
mike no tuki kumori kittu tari (ware) idesi toki

Issa Original
mika no tsuki kasuman to shite iri ni keri

David Comment
Issa has waited too late to go out moon-gazing.The moon is a "three-day moon"...just a sliver.

sakuo Comment
[kasu man] means [ I want to mist myself] . [hairikeri] is [ he entered into something]. I think that the something is mist or cloud or mountain.
The moon wants to vanish away before other's eyes.It is no use to define [what is the something]
In this haiku, Issa want to say that I will vanish my severity and become mild.

sakuo English
the sickle moon want to mist get into

">Issa site

Saturday, March 26, 2005

showered all at once


David English
plowing the field in a shower of mountain cherry blossoms

-Issa, 1814
52 years old, The settlement of father's asset has been decided, he got his share.marred with Kiku. On August went to Edo for preparation of retirement.

sakuo Japanese
耕すや 夕立のごと 山桜
tagayasu ya yuudati no goto yama-zakura

Issa Original
hata utsu ya zaburi to abiru yamazakura.

sakuo's Key point
[zaburi to] is echo-word . It is refered to water. [ zaburi to] means [ a lot of ... at once ] So I image such scene that Issa is plowing under the cherry blossom. When he pass the tree,strong wind suddenly blow ,and a lot of the pedals fell on him all at once.And he feel [ zaburi to abita]

sakuo English
plowing field-- showered all at once mountain cherry blossoms

Issa site

Friday, March 25, 2005

Toward autumn wind a cock crows

autumn wind

David English
autumn wind--a cock-a-doodling roosteron the roof

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book of retirement.

sakuo Japanese
秋風や 雄鶏の鳴く 屋根の上
akikaze ya ondori no naku yane no ue

Issa Original
aki kaze ya tori naku ie no teppen

sakuo Comment
What Issa did feel at the time ? He felt hisself at high tension .He wish to climb up on his roof.So Time is Autumn and bird is not hen but cock.[teppen] has strong sound.
Issa would wish to blow trumpet on the top of the roof of his house.

sakuo English haiku
autumn wind--a cock crows on the top of house

Issa site

Thursday, March 24, 2005

pitty insect, tiger moth !

tiger moth

David English
don't strikesunset's bell...tiger moth

-Issa, 1820
58 years old, on October second son born. fall over and was smitten by palsy ,but lightly. wrote haiku literatures.

sakuo Japanese
やれ 打つな 夕暮れの鐘 火とり虫
yare utu na yugure no kane hitorimusi

Issa Original
iriai no kane tsuki kanete hitorimushi

sakuo said
In my native village, old folks said to kid "don't kill spider in evening"
I didn't hear about tiger moth , but it is pity insect

Issa site

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Rain or Shine, I trust Budha


David English
umbrella-hatssun in Buddha!

-Issa, 1811
49 years old, he lost his last teeth. Next year he will return toKasihabara. He has gotten the upper class in the haikuist ranking of Japan.

sakuo Japanese
雨笠や 日笠や 仏信じけり
amagasa ya higasa ya hotoke sinjikeri

Issa Original
ama-gasa mo higasa mo anata makase kana

David Comment
The phrase anata makase ("trust in the Beyond!") refers specifically to trusting in the saving power of Amida Buddha. "Umbrella-hats" (ama-gasa) and "parasols" (higasa) protect from rain and sun, respectively. Issa's meaning seems to be: Rain or shine, the best course is to trust in Buddha!

sakuo Image
Rain or shine, I trust Buddha on every thing !

Issa site

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Issa's secret pride in this haiku


David English
ashamed--I present myself to Edoa year older

-Issa, 1819
57 years old. wrote [ oraga haru-- my spring ]. On June first daughter died.

sakuo Japanese
恥ずかしや 江戸へ来たのは 一年前
hazukasi ya edo he kita noha itinen mae

Issa Original
hazukashi ya makari dete toru edo no toshi

sakuo Impression
I think when he wrote Oragaharu( My Spring ) , his energy peaked at the tope in his life.So he was sure to have self-respect in his haiku creation.
In this haiku he said that he is ashamed to come to Edo and live in there, but he didn't think so. In Edo he have been accepted high evaluation in the field of haiku . I could see his secret pride as haikuist in this haiku .

Issa site

Monday, March 21, 2005

I do my best in any way.

in the short night

David English
in the short nightthe dew works fast...leaves of grass

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book as retirement.

sakuo Japanese
短夜に 露の早くや 草葉かな
mijika yo ni tuyu no hayaku ya kusa ba kana

Issa Original
mijika yo wo sassa to tsuyu no kusa-ba kana

sakuo Impression
What does Issa want to say by [ sassa ]that means [quickly] as well as
[ I go by keeping my own pace ] I feel that Issa want to say, how my surroundings would change, I will go my way . I have got father's asset and got married.I am busy, I have no time, I must do my best in any way.

Issa site

Sunday, March 20, 2005

10 more rice bags could be expected !!

back and forth

David English
back and forth the distant storm is appraised

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book as retirement.

sakuo Japanese
後ろ前 遠い嵐の 値踏みされ
usiro mae tooi arasi no mebumi sare

Issa Original
ten-den ni tô yûdachi no mekiki kana

sakuo Comment
The farmers in rice field were watching the storm. They said if the storm
come here, I will get ten more bags of rice in this Autumn.

Issa site

Saturday, March 19, 2005

survive a radish, even fall of winter rain.

rainy winter night

David English
rainy winter night--only one radish remains

-Issa, 1803
41 years old , living in Edo. 1801 his father has died. Asset problemhas started that has continued for eleven years. Visiting around Bousou. Getting acquaintance with Mr Akimoto, who was a rich brewery owner.

sakuo Japanese
氷雨の夜 大根一本 残しけり
hisame no yo daikon ittupon nokori keri

Issa Original
shigure yo to ippon nokosu daikon kana

sakuo image 
I feel strong will of Issa for reserving radish.
Even if cold winter rain fall, I will keep this radish for it's surviving.
Issa would think as above at this time when he had asset trouble.

Issa site

Friday, March 18, 2005

standing tall

David English
standing tall in the spring rain...nettle tree

-Issa, 1804
42 years old, live in Edo, getting new haiku friends of Natume's group.And Mr Nakamura and other haiku friend had come to Edo from Kasihabara, his home village.

sakuo Japanese
背伸びする 春雨の中 榎木かな
senobi suru harusame ni enoki kana

Issa Original
harusame no naka ni tachitaru enoki kana

sakuo Comment
Nettle tree often has grown to large size. People don't like the tree because it bring a lot of leaves in Autumn .I have seen the tree at the front of Issa's house. So I pain this haiga from my sketch in Kasihabara.

Issa site

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Longing for his home

one what day

David English
one what daywill you pass my village?geese flying north

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May.

sakuo Japanese
何時の日や 我が村通る 帰える雁
itunohi ya waga mura touru kaeru kari

Issa  Original
waga mura wa iku hi ni tôru kaeru kari

sakuo Comment
Where did he make this haiku. I think it was on his way of haiku traveling. He was longing for his home.

Issa site

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mr, Toad it's your turn Sir !

Mr, Toad

David English
Mr. Toad--the fifth month rainshave begun!

-Issa, 1812
50 years old, lived in Edo, leaving out on November tohis home village for dwelling eternally there.

sakuo Japanese
がま殿や 五月雨すでに 降り始め
gama dono ya samidare sudeni furi hajime

Issa Original
hiki dono no hatsu samidare yo samidare yo

sakuo impression
Toad likes the humid corner where mold grows. He likes the season of rain that is May rain in old lunar calendar. Issa called a toad with Mr that is respectable saying but he would josh the toad with some affection.

Issa site

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Some one has come ?


David English
snowshoes--in front of the hutprint after print

-Issa, 1820
58 years old, on October second son born. fall over and was smitten by palsy ,but lightly. wrote haiku literatures.

sakuo Japanese
雪靴や 庵の手前に 跡と跡
yuki gutu ya iho no temae ni ato to ato

Issa Original
kanjiki ya iori no mae wo fumi-tsuide

sakuo image
Some one has come to my house. Without getting in,did he come back ?

Issa site

Monday, March 14, 2005

Oh, damn! honeybees


David English
honeybees--but right next doorhornets

-Issa, 1824
62 years old, married second wife on May, soon divorced on August. lost ability of speaking by paralysis. recovered and moved around on a carriage.

sakuo Japanese
蜜蜂や すぐ横っちょに 雀蜂
mitubati ya sugu yokottutyo ni suzume bati

Issa Original
mitsu-bachi ya tonari ni kaseba arare-bachi

sakuo Comment
I think this haiku conveys human relation between he and his relative.Issa lent honeybees box to the house next door that is his half brother'shouse. Time to time the bees come over to Issa's garden and stinghis family. Gentle honeybees transform themself into violent bees. Issa had no good emotion to his brother's family.

Issa site

Sunday, March 13, 2005

stupid cricket !

mashed down

David English
mashed down by the crickets' feet...the eaves

-Issa, 1825
Age 63, before 2 years of his death. Last year he was stricken with paralysis . Next year he will get married again.

sakuo Japanese
すりつぶす 蟋蟀の足 軒端かな
suri tubu su kourogi no asi noki kana

Issa Original
kôrogi ni fumi-tsubusareshi hisashi kana

sakuo impresion
The eaves are little insect so that they can not stepped dowm the eaves.I think the eaves is the symbol of the house ,that must be respected.
To damage one's eaves means to damage personal dignity .Issa would be deeply shamed by some one who is stupid.

Issa site

Saturday, March 12, 2005

find no way !

from east,west

David English
from east, westsouth, north...the blizzard

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. on April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
東 西 南北から 吹雪かな
higasi nisi ninami kita kara fubuki kana

Issa Original
higashi nishi minami kita yori fubuki kana

sakuo impresion
When we were right in the middle of blizzard, we often lost the feeling of direction, finding no way.

Issa site

Friday, March 11, 2005

wish to sleep in a ball


David English
sleeping in a ballon a winter's little nook

-Issa, 1815
53 years old. On last year he has got his father's asset and married with Kiku.September he went to Edo to publish his poem book. and being to Bosyu for visiting his haiku friends. come back to his village on December.

sakuo Japanese
冬の夜や 丸まり眠る 我が小部屋
fuyu no yo ya marumari nemuru waga ko beya

Issa Original
fuyu no yo wo manmaru ni neru kosumi kana

sakuo sentiment
This haiku makes me smooth. If possible, I wish to sleep in such surrounding.

Issa site

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

all ungrateful children !


David English
biting the handthat sets it free...katydid

-Issa, 1825
Age 63, before 2 years of his death. Last year he was stricken with paralysis . Next year he will get married again.

sakuo Japanese
手を噛むで 自由になるや キリギリス
tewo kande jiyuuni naru ya kirigirisu

Issa Original
hanachi yaru te wo kajiri keri kirigirisu

sakuo impresion
We can not see the truth of this world that is under the grace of Buddha. We are all ungrateful children .

Issa site

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

endlessly lonely Sharon


David English
even the willowis lonely...rose of Sharon

-Issa, 1805
43 years old , vivid activity at Edo with Seibi who was rich and famous amateur haikuist at that time.

sakuo Japanese
やなぎ さえ 淋しかり けり むくげかな
yanagi sae sabisi karikeri mukuge kana

Issa Original
yanagi made sabishiku shitaru mukuge kana

sakuo's Sentiment
Who is the willow ? And who is the sharon ? Nobody knows but it is lonely endlessly.

Issa site
Issa site

Monday, March 07, 2005

winter prayers for Ten Night Festival

rice field to rice field

David English
rice field to rice field cutting straight through...winter prayers

-Issa, 1823
61 years old. Kiku has got sick on Feudally and died on May, and third son died on December.

sakuo Japanese
田から田へ  真直ぐ刈るや 冬 祈祷
ta kara ta he mattusugu karu ya fuyu kitou

Issa Original
田から田へ 真一文字や 十夜道
ta kara ta e ma ichi monji ya jûya michi

Reference for my imagenation
(2) ping point weather data of Sinano -mati

sakuo Comment
61 years old, Issa was in last stage of his life. He has met many unhappiness. He really wish to be saved by Buddha grace. He would pray with his all power.

Issa site

Sunday, March 06, 2005

silent Autumn

mountain temple

David English
mountain temple--from the gables rising mist

-Issa, 1823
61 years old. Kiku has got sick on Feudally and died on May, and third son died on December.

sakuo Japanese
山寺や 切妻よりも 昇る霧
yamadera ya kiri zuma yori mo  noboru kiri

Issa Original
yamadera ya hafu kuchi kara mo kiri no tatsu

sakuo image
It is silent Autumn. It is deep in the mountain. When he saw the mist rising from the gables, Did Issa feel such silence at his final age ?

Issa site

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Is the first snow beggar ?

they curse the first snow

David English
they curse the first snow like it's a stop

-Issa, 1824
62 years old, married third wife on May, soon divorced on August. lost ability of speaking by paralysis. recovered and moved around on a carriage.

sakuo Japanese
hatuyuki wo kojiki to norou kyukeijyo

Issa Original
hatsu yuki wo kojiki yoba[wa]ri tateba kana

sakuo Comment
I have grown up at Kanbara that was one of Tokai-do 53 rest stops. You would remind aUkiyo-e, named "the snow Kanbara" by Hirosige, famouse Ukiyoe painter.My old house stood along Tokai-do, and one of my ancestor was a horse doctor as well as coper. I can remember the old atmosphere of the tateba in this haiku.

Issa site

Friday, March 04, 2005

splash crossing River !

splish splash

David English
splish splash crossing Ishi River...a pheasant!

-Issa, 1814
52 years old, the settlement of father's asset has been decided, he got his share.marred with Kiku. On August went to Edo for preparation of retirement.

sakuo Japanese
しぶきあげ 石川渡る 雉かな
sibuki age isi kawa wataru kijisu kana

Issa Original
ishi kawa wo zabu-zabu wataru kigisu kana

sakuo Comment.
I think Issa looks like a pheasant crossing river bravely. In accident Rome Caesar had crossed a river with great decision. Issa 's mind has reached at higher level at this time.

Issa site

Thursday, March 03, 2005

A great things

a great things

David English
a great thing under the harvest moon...rice blossoms!

sakuo Japanese
idai nari mei getu no moto ine no hana
偉大なり 名月のもと 稲の花

Issa Original
meigetsu no ôgoto toshite ine no hana

sakuo impresion
Issa is alway conscious of being a son of rice farmer. So when he saw the rice blossoms under the moon, he imaged whole world under this moon. And he had to say that a great thing is the rice blossoms.I love his deep and sharp imagination.David san is also good poetic translation !

Issa site

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Speedy and fresh ! early Summer


David English
the first one through is the swallow... hoop of reeds

-Issa, 1814
52 years old,the settlement of father's asset has been decided, he got his share.marred with Kiku. On August went to Edo for preparation of retirement.

sakuo Japanese
tousite mo tubame itiban asi no fue

Issa Original
ichiban ni tsubame no kuguru chinowa kana

sakuo Comment
[hoop of reed ] is deficult image, because it is seldam to see it in the city life. When it is drawn in picture, it feels great .

Issa site

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

waiting and waiting for what ?

waiting and waiting

David English
waiting and waiting for sunset...the willow tree

-Issa, 1805
43 years old , vivid activity at Edo with Seibi who was rich and famous amateur haikuist at that time.

sakuo Japanese
matu ya matu higure ni mukau yanagi kana
待つや 待つ 日暮れに向かう 柳かな

Issa Original
iriai wo machidôshigaru yanagi kana

sakuo Comment
Who is the willow tree ? It is Issa. What does Issa wait for ? He wait for getting good position in the field of haikuist.

Issa site