
Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Capital , even bagger can !


David English
Kyoto--even under bridgesdriking away the year

-Issa, 1819
57 years old. wrote [ oraga haru-- my spring ].
On June first daughter died.

sakuo Japanese
都では 橋の下でも 酔って越す
miyako de ha hasino sita demo youte kosu

Issa Original
miyako kana hashi no sita nimo tosi wasure

sakuo remark
Even beggar enjoy year end party in Kyoto, the Capital.

Issa site

Friday, April 29, 2005

Everybody haiku, everybody Basho !


David English
Matsushima--from yonder isleanother lark

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May.

sakuo Japanese
松島や向こうの島より また雲雀
matusima ya mukouno sima yori mata hibari

Issa Original
matusima ya achi no matsu kara mata hibari

sakuo remark
This haiku is comical, ironical and contains a little cheap joke.
Issa ,of couse, did critical thinking on Basho 's Matusima.
I feel in this haiku Issa's self-confidence at this time.
Good haiku, I love it.

Issa site

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Teeth, eyes and more one !

teeth to harden

David English
teeth to harden this New Year's meal...not even one

-Issa Year unknown

sakuo Japanese
歯固めの 新年の食事 一つなし
hagatame no sinnen no syokuji hitotu nasi

Issa Original
かたむべき歯は一本も なかりけり
katamu beki ha ippon mo nakari keri

Similar haiku of teeth hardening
imitating others hardening their teeth tofu for me

David Comment
The "for me" has been added. Issa is referring to the New Year's tooth-hardening meal. He (or someone) is toothless and so must resort to tofu for the occasion.

sakuo Question
I don't know and don't hear the custom of teeth hardening.
That would be done on the New Year's meal.
Issa has lost all his teeth at the age of 50 years old . The last tooth has been lost at Futtu .Issa wrote this haiku with his sneering at himself.

Issa site

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Thank you, thank you !

the dog

David English
the dog makes way for me...snowy road

-Issa, 1822
60 years old, On March the third son born, On August injured by slipping on the road, wrote the books of haiku.

sakuo Japanese
sono inu ga ware ni uzurisi yuki no miti

Issa Original
犬どもが よけてくれけり雪の道
inu domo ga yokete kure keri yuki no michi

sakuo image
Several dogs make a way for Issa who has trouble to walk because of brain infarction.On the snow way, how pleased is Issa !! Tears drop !

Issa site

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Masseur how cold it is !

a flute trills

David English
a flute trillsa cane click-clacks...winter moon

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book as retirement.

sakuo Japanese
笛ひょろり 杖ことことや 冬の月
fue hyorori tue koto koto ya fuyu no tuki

Issa Original
fue pii-pii tue mo katch-kachi fuyu no tuki

sakuo Imagination
this is the haiku of masseur in cold Winter night.He is walking with a flute for asking customers and a cane for radar .It was too cold that the sound of flute hears in high tone. Very cold tune !

Issa site

Monday, April 25, 2005

Hey ! Samurai trying night fishing !

night fishing

David English
night fishing--on St. Jizo's lapa short sword

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch
sakuo Japanese
夜釣りする 地蔵の膝に 短剣を
yozuri suru jizou no hiza ni tanken wo

Issa Original
川狩りや 地蔵のひざの小脇差
kawagari ya jizou no hiza no ko wakizasi

David Comment
The fisherman, a samurai, has left his short sword on the lap of Jizô, creating an odd and poignant juxtaposition: weapon of war, bodhisattva of mercy. Jizô is the beloved guardian deity of children. See my essay, "Not Your Ordinary Saint: Jizô in the Haiku of Issa".

sakuo Remark
Samurai should not product food. He is prohibited to leave his sword away. So it was curious to see his catching fishes, putting his sword on Jizou's lap. Issa like to make ironical haiku that laugh at dominant class.
This is comical haiku as Issa's favore.

Issa site

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sato, My dear !

looking for the bead

David English
looking for the beadof dew she pinched...a child

-Issa, 1819
57 years old. wrote [ oraga haru-- my spring ]. On June first daughter died.

sakuo Japanese
探しおる 露珠つまみし あの子哉
sagasi oru tuyudama tumamisi anoko kana

Issa Original
tsuyu no tama tsumande mitaru warabe kana

sakuo image
She is Sato , Issa's first daughter who has died on this June. She was two years old, laughing ! speaking ! she was realy Issa's pleasure. How was he sad !!

Issa site

Saturday, April 23, 2005

My little spring has come !

though feedly

David English
though feebly the beggar's rape flowers also have bloomed

-Issa, 1812
50 years old, lived in Edo, leaving out on November tohis home village for dwelling eternally there.It needs more two year to getting his share of father's asset

sakuo Japanese
hoso-boso to kojiki no hana mo saki ni keri

Issa Original
hono-bono to kojiki no ona mo saki ni keri

David Comment
Perhaps the "beggar" is Issa, who liked to call himself, "Shinano Province's Chief Beggar." Rape (or canola) is a bright yellow flowering plant of Asia.

sakuo imagination
Beggar would be Issa . In Edo he called himself as beggar, At this time he could have hope to return home village. So he has got peace in his mind.

Issa site

Friday, April 22, 2005

It's Me, the Old snake !

the old snake

David English
the old snake toward the Western Paradise enters his hole

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
furu hebi no jyoudo ni mukai anani iru

Issa Original
furu hebi ya haya seihou no ana ni iru

David Comment
In Pure Land Buddhism, Paradise (the Pure Land) exists somewhere in the mythic west. The snake is going the right direction for rebirth in the Pure Land.

sakuo image
Old snake is old Issa whose haiku-board has been displayed at Zenkou-Ji , the most famous Temple of Joudo Buddhist .He had many good haiku friends in Shinano province. Also he had wife , house and farm that are symbolized as snake hole.He would say that my destination has been decided to make my own style Haiku.

Issa site

Thursday, April 21, 2005

lined frogs and my children

with grave seriousness

David English
with grave seriousness frogs line up too...evening's purificatio

Issa 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
sinmyou ni kaeru narabu ya kure no kyou

Issa Original
sikatube ni kawazu mo narande yu harai

sakuo imagination
This is serious ritual of purification . Near a shrine a paper boat is put on the water. The frogs are watching in line up.
I believe that,Issa has supposed if his three children have been alive, they would line up too and watch the boats of purification, as like the frogs are doing.

Issa site

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Manly buck, great sponsor !

leasing his antlter

David English
leasing his antlerto the cicada...the young buck

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch .

sakuo Japanese
枝角を 蝉に貸し出す 若雄鹿
eda tuno wo semi ni kasidasu waka o jika

Issa Original
naku semi ni tsuno wo kashitaru oshika kana

sakuo imagination
Season is autumn, cicada must retire to the backstage ,
contrary , young buck will make his stage debut in love fighting.
Now cicada must go back but he has been weak .
He did cry for help.
Cicada is Issa . His sponsor who is rich and powerful has given special aide to him. The sponsor looked like manly buck.

Issa site

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Suddenly ! suddenly !

heat shimmers

David English
heat shimmers--yesterday's unseentea-and-dumpling shop

-Issa, 1809
47 years old, living Edo. On April going back to Shinano Province, where he was keeping to get acquaintance of haiku.

sakuo Japanese
kagerou ya kinou nakattuta otyaya kana

Issa Original
kagerou ya kinou wa mienu dango chaya

sakuo image
Main theme is "Suddenly" spring. Suddenly heat up of the ground cause heat shimmers. The shop master has Suddenly set up the shop for selling dango to the people who will suddenly gather to see the cherry blossom.

Issa site

Monday, April 18, 2005

falling in gloomy mood !

day before yesterday

David English
day before yesterday yesterday, today...mountain cuckoo

-Issa, 1814
52 years old,the settlement of father's asset has been decided, he got his share. He marred with Kiku. On August went to Edo for preparation of retirement.

sakuo Japnese
ototoi mo kinou mo kyou mo yama kattukou

Issa Original
ototoi mo kinou mo kyou mo kankodori 

David Kigo, Seasonal Anthology
Look [ summer] and go to [ mountain cuckoo]
You can find the charactor of the bird.There you will meet many haikus of "mountain cuckoo"
Judging from those haikus, cuckoo is gloomy and cynic, sing in a somber mood of Issa. The bird appesrs when Issa fall in blue depression

sakuo image
Issa fall into disappointment,and broken heart for long time.Cuckoo sings like as laughing at him.

Issa site

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Pity my first son !

wrapped in a knot

David English
wrapped in a knot'round the tree at my gate...summer banner

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May.

sakuo Japanese
結ばれし 我が庵の木に 夏の旗
musu baresi waga iho no ki ni natu no hata

Issa Original
kado no ki ni kukushi-tsuketaru nobori kana

David Tr Comment
I have added the "my"Issa simply writes、"gate"( kado), but the hard-luck condition of the banner suggests to me that it belongs to him.

sakuo Question, Kigo is key
What is summer banner ? That is banner for celebrating new born son.It is called the fifth month's banner or iris banner in Kigo.At this May he has got first daughter, but on the May of before two years he had lost his first son.

I think that May banner is for boy, he has lost boy and now get first daughter. Celebrating coexist with regretting in his mind.Then this haiku has come. Without tears I couldn't read this haiku

Issa site

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Gah, I'm a little tired !

lying spread-eagle

David English
lying spread-eagleso coolso lonely

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch .

sakuo Japanese
大の字に 寝るや涼しく 寂しけり
dai no ji ni neruya suzusi ku sabisi keri

Issa Original
dai no ji ni nete suzusisa yo sabisisa yo

David Comment
With arms and legs spread wide, the poet's body forms the Japnese character "big" (dai no ji)--the first word in the Japanese text of this poem.

sakuo remark
Issa has done a big task. He lay for refreshment. It was cool under the green, but he felt lonely a little. Gah, I'm a little tired.

Issa site

Friday, April 15, 2005

segregation everywhere !


David English
segregation among butterflies too...white gang, yellow gang

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May. He was keeping visiting around his followers in North Sinano.

sakuo Japanese
差別あり 蝶の仲間も 白黄色
sabetu ari tyo no nakama mo siro kiiro

Issa Original
sore-zore ya cho mo shiro-gumi kiiro-gum

sakuo Remark
Among profestional or amature haikuistes, there were many sectes,this is same in present time as in Edo era.
In village life the villgers are devided to several factions. There is no use in arguing about it now.Issa thought it as like above.

Issa site

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm a guest as a farmer haiku-ist

Basho's Death Day

David English
Basho's Death-Day-- pigeons and sparrows in their Sunday best

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
bashou-ki ya hato to tubame no hone yasu mi

Issa Original
bashouki ya hato mo suzume mo kyaku mekasu

sakuo Comment
Issa , at 59 years old, has already been free from Basho's effect. He has decided to be independent as farmer position.So at this Bashoki, he think that he was invited as not family but guest.

Issa site

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Too young to die

little chestnuts

David English
little chestnuts it's not yet your day to burst

-Issa, 1809
47 years old, living Edo. On April going back to Shinano Province, where he was keeping to get acquaintance of haiku.

sakuo Japanese
sibakuri ya hajike taru hi ha nakari keri

Issa Original
shibaguri no emu to iu hi mo nakari keri

[emu] is not used in present time, [umu] is more popularto exprees[mature]

sakuo Remark
Issa has seen a young chestnut that fell premature.And he felt pity for it.

Issa site

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Wonderfull Perspective !

one branch

David English
one branch makes Kyoto's sky...plum blossoms

-Issa, 1802
40 years old, the year before his farther has died. the trouble on assethas began for 12 years continued. He started to go around the province of Northern Kanto area.

sakuo Japanese
一枝で作る みそらや 梅の花
hito eda de tukuru misora ya ume no hana

Issa Original
kata eda wa miyako no sora yo mume no hana

sakuo remark
Issa has well known about perspective. If you put something at the front of your eyes, you could feel more large space beyond it.Wonderful Issa's poetic imagination !!

Issa site

Monday, April 11, 2005

Like Dharma, let's get up again !

lined up too

David English
lined up too among the dolls...Dharma

-Issa, 1822
60 years old, On March the third son born, On August injured by slipping on the road, wrote the books of haiku.

sakuo Japanese
並びたる 人形の中に だるま哉
narabi taru ningyou no nakani daruma kana

Issa Original
inarande daruma mo hina no nakama kana

David Comment
Dharma (Bodhidharma) is the patriarch who brought Buddhism from India to China. On this day of the spring Doll Festival, the stern master finds himself surrounded by brightly costumed dolls.
The daruma doll comes with white, blank eyes. The idea is to make a wish while drawing in the pupil of one of its eyes. When the wish is fulfilled, one draws the other eye.
Shinji Ogawa adds, "The daruma doll has a weight on the bottom so that it rises by itself from a fall, and so is regarded as a lucky doll."

sakuo image
Why Dharma was mixed in the dolls ? There is story behind the tragedy in this haiku.

Issa's children's survival table
1816 April first son born. May died
1818 May first daughter born.
1819 June she died.
1820 Oct second son born.
1821 Jan he died.
1822 May third son born
1823 Dec he died

The dolls festival is on May and for not boys but girls.In this year, Issa family has displayed the doll, but the first daughter has already died. Issa prepared Dharum for third son. and lined it up to among the dolls, praying son's health as well as daughter's peace.

Issa site

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Isn't it long way to my Village !

evening falls

David English
evening falls--on the tip of my fan Mount Asama

-Issa, 1810
48 years old, live in Edo,On April Dear Kakyou [ female haiku friend in Futtu ] ,with whom Issa had pleasant kukai meeting on March of last year, died.Without knowing of this happening , on May he returned to home village for the negotiation of father's asset. Soon come back to Edo. On June he went to Futtu for visiting Kakyou's grave.

sakuo Japanese
yugure ya ougi no saki ni Asama-yama

Issa original
kure yuku ya ôgi no hashi no asama yama

David Comment
Mount Asama is a volcano in Issa's home province of Shinano, active during the poet's lifetime. The eruption of 1783, when Issa was twenty-one years old and living in Edo (today's Tokyo), killed 1,151 people. 

sakuo image
How hot it has been Today ! Evening fall comes, but it's a long way to my home village over Mount Asama that looks at beside my fan.

Issa site

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Have the baggers kids ?

they have kid maybe

David English
they have kids maybe bridge beggars calling fireflies

-Issa, 1811
49 years old, he lost his last teeth. Next year he will return toKasihabara. He has gotten the upper class in the haikuist ranking ofJapan.

sakuo Japanese
子を持つか 橋の乞食も 呼ぶ 蛍
ko wo motu ka hasi no kojiki mo yobu hotaru 

Issa Original
ko arite ya hashi no kojiki mo yobu hotaru

David Comment
Shinji Ogawa explains that the ya is not a cutting word in this haiku but rather "a particle to make a conjecture." The beggars "may" have children.

Issa site

Friday, April 08, 2005

affection of parent and child

the silverfish

David English
the silverfish scurry away...parents and children

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch .

sakuo Japanese
白魚の 逃げ去りたり 親子して
sirauono nigesari tari oyako site

Issa Original
nigeru nari shimi [ga] naka ni mo oya yo ko yo

sakuo image
Even small insects, they have affection of parent and child .In emergency parent protect his child.

Issa site

Thursday, April 07, 2005

With Edo accent, said .

the day is devilishly

David English
the day is devilishly long! long!

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May.

sakuo Japanese
恐ろしく その日は 永く 永かりき
osorosiku sono hiha nagasi naga kariki

Issa Original
berabô ni hi no nagai kana nagai kana

sakuo Comment
I think [ berabou] was used in Edo, it was a kind of Edo accent. I have grown up in Shizuoka that is located over Hakone mountain. I don't use [ berabou-me] or [berabou-ni]. Shinano would be quite same. 

sakuo Image
At this time Issa has stayed in countryside, Shinano.
Time is Spring. Day goes long and long. I think it 's because of snowy country and less excitement than city as Edo.
Thinking of Edo life, Issa said with Edo accent, "the day is very very long, and it is very peace, Thank you Amida san "

Issa site

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Naturally my head bows !

still plum blossoms

David English
still plum blossomsmy head, by itselfbows

-Issa, 1821
59 years old. on January his second son died on his mother's back. On April his wife got sick of gout . At Zenkou-ji , the biggest Temple of Jyoudo Buddhist, his haiku board was displayed. His effort has been admitted in the area of north Sinano province.

sakuo Japanese
梅静か わが頭さえ 下がるかな
ume sizuka waga atama sae sagaru kana

Issa Original
ume shin to shite onozukara zu ga sagaru

David Comment
Or: "the head."
Issa bows to the quiet, still blossoms. More accurately, "the head, by itself" is bowing without conscious intention on the part of the poet. For this reason, I first translated zu ga sagaru literally as "the head bows," rather than "my head bows." However, Shinji Ogawa believes that this must be first person, "my head." Otherwise, he writes, "the haiku loses its intensity."

Issa site

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

teahouse and shower, Ah fresh up !

with a light touch

David English
with a light touch morning's cloud burst...tea shop

-Issa, 1816
53 years old, a year before, after getting father's asset, married with Kiku.He decided to settle down in the home village and went around Bousyu district for the greeting of farewell. as well as he published memorial book as retirement.

sakuo Japanese
軽く降る 朝の驟雨の 茶店かな
karuku fure asano syu u no tyamise kana

Issa Original
assari to asa yûdachi no ochaya kana

Sakuo Comment
Do you Know [ochaya] ? It is not shop for drinking tea. It is the place for waiting room to visit to Whore house. By my dictionary, it is said as follow.
[茶屋 chaya] [茶屋遊び teahouse entertainments] [茶屋遊びをする go on sprees in the pleasure quarters]

sakuo imagination
Issa had stayed at whore house. He had pleasant time. Next morning he came back to teahouse with refreshed mood . When he would start there, shower came suddenly. It was refreshing as like his mood." Ah I fresh up "

Issa site

Monday, April 04, 2005

All gods go away ! let go !

young buck

David English
young buck-- while the gods are away sleeping and carousing

-Issa, 1823
61 years old. Kiku has got sick on February and died on May, and third son died on December.

sakuo Japanese
若雄や 神のいぬまに 寝てはしゃぐ
waka osu ya hami no inu ma ni nete hasyagu

Issa Original
さをしかや 神の留主事 寝て遊ぶ
saoshika ya kami no rusu koto nete asobu

David Comment
According to Shinto belief, in Tenth Month all of Japan's gods vacate their shrines to congregate at the Izumo-Taisha Shrine.

Issa site

Sunday, April 03, 2005

the Grace of rain to all of us !

spring rain

David English
spring rain--backsliding gamblers and a night sermon

-Issa, 1818
56 years old, stay in Sinano. first daughter was born on May.

sakuo Japanese
春雨や 外道博徒と 夜の法話
haru same ya gedou bakuto to yono houwa

Issa Original
春雨や ばくち崩と 夜談義と
harusame ya bakuchi kuzure to yo dangi to

David Comment
The same rain falls on sinners and saints.

Sakuo Nakamura
pictures rain falling on a peaceful night: on the gamblers who have fallen into a dissolute way of life, and on the faithful who are hearing the night sermon. He notes, "Buddha gives to all of us the grace of spring rain. "

Picture [041105 spring rain] is remade ,having added Japanese haiku .

Issa site

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Oh grassy dew, you are cold too !

splashing me

David English
splashing methe survivor...grassy dew

-Issa, 1801
39 years old, stay in Edo. On March coming back to his home village, he took care of his father who died on May. He wrote Hospital diary of his father that is famous "The Journal of My Father's Last Days"

sakuo Japanese
我に跳ね 生き残りけり 草の露
ware ni hane iki nokori keri kusa no tuyu

Issa Original
ikinokoru ware ni kakaru ya kusa no tsuyu

David Comment
This haiku appears in Chichi no shûen nikki ("The Journal of My Father's Last Days").
It was written on the day that Issa gathered up the ashes of his cremated father.

sakuo Image
He has been carrying his father's ash on the way backing home with his half brother's family. He walked through the grassy way, the dew splashed to him, Was it cold too ?

Issa site

Friday, April 01, 2005

not very good to remove !

my hut's snow

David English
my hut's snow not very good at dying

-Issa, 1813
51 years old, On January the thirteen memorial party of his father's death , the negotiation of father's asset has finished. Many times he visited haiku friend in North Sinano. On June and July he was ill in bed for blotch .

sakuo Japanese
庵の雪 あまり良くない 末期かな
iho no yuki amari yokunasi matugo kana

Issa Original
庵の雪 下手な消やう したりけり
io no yuki hetana keshiyô shitari keri

sakuo Point out
[kesu] is far from [ at dying] , I think [remove] is better.

sakuo image
Issa has removed the snow from his roof. The snow fell to his half brother's side and stacked around his house. The brother always abused Issa's family

Issa site